Friday, June 29, 2012

What's the real story on the new fibromyalgia and cannabis studies?

There are stories all over the web this week about a new study by Dr. Mary-Ann Fitzcharles that confirms at least 13% of folks with fibromyalgia are using marijuana for pain control.  Now, that is quite interesting to me, because it has been determined by previous studies that about 19.8 percent of U.S. adults -- 43.4 million people -- were smokers in 2007. That was a percentage point below the 2006 figure.  

It seems strange to me that a lower percentage of people with fibromyalgia (who are in chronic, excruciating pain) would use a medication that has been proven to significantly reduce their suffering than the general population uses.  In other words, something just doesn't sound right here.

So, I've included links to a few articles on this new study.  You can check them out and determine for yourself if you think the new study is valid.  I don't know, but I think the results beg for more research.

Marijuana Use for Fibromyalgia Pain

About - News & Issues - ‎45 minutes ago‎
By Adrienne Dellwo, GuideJune 29, 2012 A new study examining the use of marijuana for fibromyalgia pain revealed that 13% of people at one Canadian pain center were using some form of cannabis (the plant that produces marijuana.) ...

Fibromyalgia Pot Stats Are Crap

Cannabis Culture - ‎11 hours ago‎
CANNABIS CULTURE - Dr Mary-Ann Fitzcharles of McGill University Health Centre released a fibromyalgia medical marijuana study that's beyond bogus. People with fibromyalgia actually use cannabis less than the national average, but that's not in their ...

Illegal Marijuana Used by 10 Per Cent of Fibromyalgia Patients: Study

Cannabis Culture - ‎Jun 25, 2012‎
By QMI Agency - Monday, June 25 2012 People who suffer from a medical disorder that causes chronic pain are buying marijuana on the street for relief, a new study has revealed. The study, led by Dr. Mary-Ann Fitzcharles, a rheumatologist at the McGill ...

1 comment:

  1. I think the stats are crap. I live in california where I have my medical card. I suffer from fibromyalgia and also degenerative disc disease and spinal stenosis w/ bone spurs in BOTH my back and neck and smoke cannabis for my pain. I am now off of Lyrica (and Myrapex because I no longer have restless leg syndrome which was caused by the Lyrica,) because of my smoking. Luckily we still have dispensaries in our city. I know people used to buy it off the streets before the dispensaries came.
